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Writing for Article Directory WebSites: Build Links Now!
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Writing articles and submitting them to article directory web sites should be project numero uno for you in an attempt to build valuable back links to your web site. I think that most of us would agree that traffic to your site is critical, as it determines the success or failure of your site.
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Writing articles and submitting them to article directory web sites should be project numero uno for you in an attempt to build valuable back links to your web site. I think that most of us would agree that traffic to your site is critical, as it determines the success or failure of your site. After all, what is the use in spending all your time and resources building a web site to settle for second best when it comes to traffic? Writing 500 to 1000 word articles is where the real work in promoting your web site come in to play.
Many webmasters have made it a science to simply rehash what is already available on the web. There are very few original thoughts going around the web today when it comes to site promotion. Link campaigns, article campaigns, blogging, etc. are all ways to get your site name and link in front of people. If our site has something important to sell, then the key is getting as many people to visit as possible. Your teaser articles that circulate on the web will achieve the same result as a killer news headline or advertising campaign. This has been proven thousands of times already. They will lure the reader into reading the rest of your article including the all-important resource box, which contains a link to your site. When the reader clicks to your site, this is the first step to a sale. A well-written and relevant article will achieve its purpose over time, but there is a sense of urgency to begin writing articles today in order to achieve any level of success with your online business.
Well-written articles will quickly get picked up by other webmasters or newsletter owners that will graciously publish your work withing their article directory or ezine. On an important note, in order for your articles to have their desired effect, you need to integrate keywords into your articles that are relevant to your site. This will provide more reference weight in the search engine algorithms, such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. Many webmasters and authors seemingly disregard this when putting together articles and they wonder why their site traffic does not increase on the level of their expectations. Having a link in your resource box at the end of your article simply isn't good enought anymore. Remembering this will help you stay on topic and write purposefully.
Here is something else to keep in mind. When explaining idea or concept in your articles, you need to write it so that a 9 year old could read it and understand it. This holds true unless your purpose is to write a technical article for a niche market. For the most part, you want to make sure to keep your paragraphs short and direct and your language understandable. Also, write as if you where writing to one person instead of many and feel free to spice up your articles up with a quote or a funny remark. With search engines using the links in your articles as one-way links to your web site, please remember to use different keywords every so often to avoid a form of search engine spam. This refers to using to many of the same keywords throughout the text of your article. I always try to target three to four keywords within each article of, say, 600 to 1000 words.
One idea you might consider is using an article writing software package. These are valuable in that they will put text in front of you from which you can use and get some tremendous ideas. If you are not particularly prolific with your thoughts, or the pen for that matter, they can help you along as you are getting started submitting your articles to article directories. There are many of them out there floating around. Spending 50 bucks on a package pales in comparison to the amount of time you have already spent on your site. Right? But I digress...
So there you have it! For those of you who have been wanting to know why your traffic is down, or simply not what you are expecting, take some time to write a couple of articles each week and submit them to article directory web sites. It only takes a minute to register with them and the results, at times, can be overwhelming. Remember, your articles do not need to be flashy or brilliant. They just need to contain proper English with no spelling or grammatical mistakes, using the keywords you have chosen for your topic that are pertinent to the content of your site page. Good luck and please let me know if you have any questions, and by all means, visit our article directory website.