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What Is the Most Important Benefit to Submitting Articles to Article Directories?
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The latest craze in internet marketing is writing articles and submitting them to directories. There are several reasons why this is so popular. The main reason is that it works. Submitting articles to directories achieves the impossible; it actually attracts visitors and possible customers to your web site.
article , articles directory, directories writing submit, submitting, submission search engines
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The latest craze in internet marketing is writing articles and submitting them to directories. There are several reasons why this is so popular. The main reason is that it works. Submitting articles to directories achieves the impossible; it actually attracts visitors and possible customers to your web site.
Let us assume that you have already written your article, proofread and corrected all spelling and grammatical errors, and posted it to a popular article directory. What happens next is undoubtedly the most important and beneficial aspect of writing and submitting articles. The magic begins when your work shows up online at the submitted directory.
Search engines have special programs called spiders that “crawl” or follow links from one web site to the next. When a search engine spider lands on a web site, it “indexes” or saves a copy of the web page on the search engine’s server. After that, the search engine can display that web page in the search results pages.
When your writing is displayed, the search engine spiders will index your article on the directory’s site. Then it will follow the link you have placed in the author’s information section and visit your web site. After indexing your site, the search engine will add it to their server and begin displaying it in the search results pages. In order for your site to be found by users of the search engines, your site must be visited and indexed by the search engine spiders. Submitting articles to directories is the easiest way to make this happen.
However, you can speed up the process by submitting your writing to multiple directories. Generally speaking, the more links you have pointing to your website, the more often the search engine spiders will visit and index your site. This will usually allow the interior pages of your site to be indexed faster. Also, if you update the information in your site, the changes will show up in the search engines faster.
This technique is a great way for new sites to get indexed by search engines without having to exchange links with other sites or purchasing costly one way links from authority sites.
There are many more benefits to submitting your articles to directories, but this is the most important one. After all, if the search engines can’t find your web site, how will potential customers find it?